Monday 27 February 2017

Mesotherapy - How Safe And Effective Is It?

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Do you exercise regularly? Are you eating a nutritious diet? Is the “stubborn fat” still bothering you? Get the Mesotherapy, a method for eliminating your body’s fat, done. Read to know the details.

What’s Mesotherapy?

In Mosotherapy the ingredients with customized solution are injected into the Mesoderm tissue that is located just below the skin’s surface.

How does the Mesotherapy work?

The cellular response in the body gets triggered because of the Mesotherapic injections. The triggering breaks down the fat deposits or melt the fat, reducing the Cellulite. Skin Pigmentation In India Then, excessive fat is released and this fat is used for producing energy.The medicine does not allow the fat to get stored into the body. 

Normally, Glucose and Carbohydrates are used for producing energy before the fat stores get accessed. Mesotherapy helps in altering the natural response of the body towards the production of the energy. It burns the deposits of the fat sooner than the body would normally burn the deposits of the Hair Fall PRP Clinic fat. When the fat does not respond to the exercises and diet control, this fat gets eliminated with the Mesotherapy.

What do the Mesotherapic injections contain?

A combination of the approved drugs and medicines are used as the ingredients for the Mesotherapic injections. The medicines include the plant extracts, Vitamins, herbal supplements, prescription drugs or over the counter medications in the liquid form.

How much time is taken for the procedure?

The procedure normally lasts for about 30 minutes. The number of areas to be injected Skin Specialist In India also plays a vital role in deciding the length of the procedure. For lasting results, 10-15 weekly injections are given. This is followed by a follow up treatment for six months.

How soon can you see the results?

Patients can observe noticeable change in the fat of the body after two to three sessions of the treatment.

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How long do the results last?

When you lose weight and your body’s shape changes, the results last for a long time. However, the doctors suggest a maintenance that is periodic, usage of the injections once in every six months. These results can be further maintained by exercising for 30 minutes and eating a well-balanced diet.

Does Mesotherapy have side effects?

There aren’t any side effects associated with the treatment of Mesotherapy. However, at the site Tattoo Removal In India of the injection, some swelling, pain or tenderness may be experienced. Nausea, Diarrhoea and vomiting might be experienced by certain patients but are extensively rare.

What’s the difference between Mesotherapy and Liposuction?

In Liposuction, fat is suctioned out from your body’s areas having excessive Adipose tissue. Mesotheraphy is also an option for Acne Scar Treatment eliminating the body’s fat but compared to Liposuction, it’s less invasive. It is used very often as compared to weight loss surgery and Liposuction.

Who is considered to be suitable for Mesotherapy?

The people having a healthy diet and are in the habit of exercising regularly should opt for Mesotherapy to get the stubborn fat removed from their body.

Who is considered to be unsuitable for Mesotherapy?

Mesotheraphy is unsuitable for excessively overweight or fat people. If you take Insulin for treating your Diabetes, are suffering from Cancer or Heart disease or are allergic to Dermatologist In India the ingredients used in the therapeutic injections, you should not get the Mesotherapic procedure done. Contact L A Skin, the best Dermatologist for seeking suggestions related to the Mesotherapy.

Monday 20 February 2017

How Would You Identify Vitiligo?

top skin specialist in Delhi India

Are certain white irregular patches present on your body? Do you need to worry about these patches? Could it be a skin disorder? Read to find the answers to all your questions.

Vitiligo a Skin Disorder

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes White irregular patches that start becoming visible on Skin Specialist In India certain areas of the body. This happens because of the loss of a pigment. The White irregular patches appear to be more prominent on a darker person’s skin.

Vitiligo affects the Retina of the eye and the mucous membrane. Also, the hairs that grow in the affected areas are White.


Melanocytes are the cells present in the skin that produce the pigment responsible for giving the colour to the Skin. The pigment is named as Melanin. Eyes, Skin and Hair acquire pigmentation from Melanin. Hair PRP Clinic In India Therefore, When Melanocytes get destroyed, White irregular patches start forming because the Skin starts becoming White, causing the disorder Vitiligo.

Wondering why the loss of the pigment, Melanin, occurs? Well, this hasn’t yet been clearly Acne Treatment In India understood. People having a family history of Vitiligo are more likely to suffer from Vitiligo. Also, People having the following diseases are more prone to get Vitiligo as compared to the ones not having these diseases-

a. Hyperthyroidism
b. Addison’s disease
c. Pernicious Anaemia


Appearance of White irregular patches on the body is the symptom of Vitiligo. The loss of pigment occurs from the following body parts:

1. Feet
2. Hands
3. Arms
4. Face
5. Lips
6. Eyes
7. Armpits
8. Navel
9. Nostrils
10. Genitals

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Melanin pigment other than giving the colour to the skin is also responsible for protecting the Skin from the Sun. Vitiligo enhances the chances of an individual to suffer from Sunburn and develop Skin Cancer.


A Physical Examination will have to be done by the Doctor for diagnosing Vitiligo. To check Dermatologist In India the areas of the skin that have been affected, a Wood’s lamp would be used by the Doctor in a dark room. The Ultra Violet light of the Wood’s lamp would make the Skin appear differently having different colours. 

If you would be having Vitiligo, this would not happen and the skin will appear to be very White because of the absence Pigmentation Treatment of the pigment, Melanin. You may even be asked by your Doctor to give your Blood sample for his checking.

a. TSH function (associated with Hyperthyroidism)
b. Blood Count (associated with Pernicious Anaemia)
c. The number of Antinuclear Antibodies, ANA (associated with autoimmune disease or Addison’s disease)

Get yourself checked from a renowned Dermatologist of Laskin India. Contact at. 011-46594950

Saturday 11 February 2017

Understanding The Disease Psoriasis

Best Skin Specialist in South Delhi India
What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which skin cells start multiplying ten times faster than the normal cells. The underlying cells reach the surface of the skin and die. These cells cause red plaques that are raised and are covered with white scales. Psoriasis occurs on the scalp, elbows and knees. It may even affect the nails, the mouth and the genitals.

What are the symptoms of Psoriasis?

The symptoms of Psoriasis differ from person to person. Psoriasis can impact small areas like the scalp or elbow or may impact the Skin Specialist India majority of the body.

The common symptoms of Psoriasis are as-
  •  Swollen, painful Joints
  •   Pitted, thick nails
  •  Burning and itching sensations around the patches
  •  Soreness around the patches
  •  Dry skin that may bleed and crack
  •  Scales or plaques on the red patches
  •  Raised, red, inflamed patches of skin
The symptoms may be severe for a few weeks or days. Over a period of time these symptoms may become unnoticeable. After few weeks, due to the trigger of Psoriasis, Tattoo Removal In India the symptoms may flare up again. When the signs of Psoriasis disappear, you tend to be symptom free for some time but there are likely chances of the coming back of Psoriasis.
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Is Psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease. If you are suffering from Psoriasis, you will not pass this skin disease to another person.

What are the causes of Psoriasis?

Scientists are unaware of the major factors responsible for causing Psoriasis. However, they consider two factors to be responsible for causing the disease Psoriasis and these two factors are the immune system and the Genetics.

1. Immune System - Our body has got an autoimmune system which protects the body from attacking itself. When you get the disease Psoriasis, the autoimmune system PRP Hair Treatment becomes faulty and the White Blood cells also called the T cells start mistakenly attacking the cells of the skin of your body.

For attacking and destroying the Bacteria invading your body and fighting the infections, the White blood cells are deployed. In Psoriasis, the production of skin cells become very fast. The new skin cells develop very quickly. These cells get pushed to the surface of the skin and they start Pigmentation Treatment piling up there. The attack on the cells of the skin develops inflamed and red areas on the skin.

2. Genetics - The risk of developing Psoriasis increase if your immediate family member has had a skin disorder. The chances of getting Psoriasis increase if you Inherit genes from your family members.

What are the triggers of Psoriasis?

Alcohol - If you drink heavily, the chances of your getting the disease Psoriasis increase.

Stress - High stress levels also trigger Psoriasis

Medications - Certain specific salts like Lithium present in the medicines and certain medicines like antimalarial medicines and medicines for High Blood pressure can also cause Psoriasis.

Infection - Your immune system would get impacted if you have an infection. Lower immunity does increase the risk of Psoriasis. If you happen to encounter the symptoms Dermatologist In Delhi of Psoriasis, you should get yourself checked. Contact Laskin India at Dr. Latika Arya at 011-46594950

For getting yourself diagnosed and treated for Psoriasis